Emily Bastian

Emily Bastian has fly fished since she was a young child. She has traveled the country and world fly fishing waters most of us could only dream of. She is a Registered Maine Fishing Guide, degreed ecologist, advanced martial artist, firearms expert, archery instructor, fly tyer (and niece of well-known tyer Don Bastian,) solo backpacker, and all-around and unmatched outdoors person. Emily is a former game warden, law enforcement agent, and park ranger. She has worked for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, National Park Service, Maine Audubon, Appalachian Mountain Club, and Trident Fly Fishing. Emily was also the coordinator for the joint Audubon/TU/MDIFW Maine Brook Trout Survey Project for 5 years. She is currently working for L. L. Bean in Freeport, Maine, the first female group leader in the Hunt/Fish department. Emily is a founding member, National Vice Chair, and former Maine Chair for Native Fish Coalition.